Pierce Chapter

2024 PCWWL Board

Co Presidents

Lindsay Noel & Bridget Grotz


Hillary Dawn


July Simpson                       

Social Chair                                    

Margaret Quartararo

Tacoma Pierce County Bar Association Liaisons

Nichole Fisher                            

Membership Co-Chairs

Lindsay Camandona

Crystal Gritzmacher

Judicial Evaluation Committee Co- Chairs

Amanda Cook

Chelsey Miller                   

SU School of Law Student Liaison

Hollis Coker

UW School of Law Student Liaisons

WWL Liaison

Christy McKinley

At Large

Miryan Saenz

 Updated 7/16/24

Upcoming events

Looking ahead to 2024

January 2024 – Winter/Holiday Gathering

February 2024 – Brunch

March 2024 – Volunteer Opportunity

April 2024 – Coffee with the Judges

May 2024 – Spring Clean

June 2024 – Networking Happy Hour

August 2024 – School Supplies Drive

September 2024 – J-Fab Woman of the Year Event