Membership Information

Please indicate your responses regarding the raffle on the membership form or go to this link to enter.  

Graphic Assistance for Membership

You might find these step by step instructions helpful.

Important Information

When you join or renew your WWL Membership, a confirmation email will be sent almost immediately.  If you do not see that message, it could be filtered by your email provider.  This document will help you make Washington Women Lawyers emails accessible to you depending on your email provider.  

Keep your membership current! WWL and its local chapters are continuing their great work, including:

  • Providing networking opportunities for women in all areas of the state and areas of practice
  • Presenting numerous CLE programs, some of which focus on the unique issues faced by women attorneys
  • Providing mentoring opportunities that allow women in different phases of their careers to meet, share, and learn from each other
  • Coordinating social functions so that women attorneys have a chance to connect in an informal setting
  • Membership in WWL gives you access to these member benefits, as well as many others!  Don't forget to renew your WWL membership today!
  • There are pages to join WWL or to renew your membership on our site.  Or if you prefer, you can complete the attached  Membership and Renewal Form and return it to the address listed on the top of the form.

  • Chapter dues are reduced by $10 for government & non-profit employees.   

Need help with the renewal process?  Check out the graphical aid   here.

Membership in Washington Women Lawyers provides the following benefits:

  • Provides representation at WSBA Board of Governor meetings and promotes WWL members for appointment to WSBA committees. WWL was influential in adding demographic information to the WSBA application form and in assisting the WSBA in revamping its committee process to allow better access for all attorneys.

  • Proposed and supported RPC 8.4(g) prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex, race, age, creed, religion, color, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or marital status in relation to a lawyer's professional activities.

  • Sponsors informative CLEs and other educational programs, with tuition reduction for WWL members.

  • Publishes informative quarterly newsletters with chapter highlights, in-depth profiles of WWL members, job opportunities, and recognition of WWL member accomplishments.

  • Distributes information about WWL member accomplishments to numerous statewide publications, including the WSBA Bar News and the Washington Journal.

  • Suggests nominations for WSBA Board of Governor positions, awards, honors, etc. through the State Board Leadership Development Vice President and her committee.

  • Sponsors workshops on recognizing and eliminating gender bias among public and private sector supervisors and managers.

  • Holds an annual dinner which features an interesting speaker and provides an opportunity to socialize with other lawyers and judges.

  • Provides members with numerous worthwhile volunteer opportunities.
  • Continues to strive toward the full integration of women in the legal profession and for equality for women everywhere.

  • Provides networking opportunities and occasions to exchange strategies for dealing with the challenges of being a woman lawyer.

  • Prepares an annual Speaker's List of WWL members and distributes the list to various state-wide organizations.

  • Works toward increasing diversity on the bench through the WWL Leadership Development Committee's judicial diversification project.

  • IN ADDITION, local chapters offer meetings, activities and newsletters, and a chance to get together with other women attorneys in your area and make a difference.