The Seattle City Attorney’s Office is seeking an Assistant City Attorney with 8+ years of experience in real estate, lender finance, and affordable housing closings. This is a unique opportunity to play a critical role in addressing the city’s housing affordability crisis and related stewarding of public funds. The City of Seattle Office of Housing will be this attorney's principal client contact. Most work will focus on financial transactions that support the production and preservation of income- and rent-restricted affordable multifamily housing. Day-to-day work will involve working closely with the Office of Housing staff and representing the City on all aspects of these real estate transactions, including loan documents that reflect and appropriately secure the City's interests in complex mixed financings. Prior experience working with mixed financings that include low-income housing tax credits, tax exempt bonds, Federal HOME and CDBG funds, and other state and local fund sources is critical to this work.
For more information and to submit an application, please visit the full job listing[0]=Law%20Department&sort=PositionTitle%7CAscending&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs. [Closes 11/6/2018]