LGBTQ+ Community/Legal Convening

09/27/2019 10:00 AM | WWL Admin (Administrator)

QLaw Foundation of Washington is proud to host:


LGBTQ+ Community/Legal Convening

9/27/2019, 10am-3pm

Seattle University School of Law, Room 110

901 12th Avenue, Seattle, 98122


Facilitated by Nikkita Oliver!


RSVP to:


This event will create an opportunity for LGBTQ+ community, and particularly queer and trans communities of color, to connect with legal services providers to communicate current or emerging needs, and for legal services providers to take LGBTQ+ communities “behind the curtain” and provide understanding about their programs, functions, decisionmaking with respect to taking cases, and strategic approaches.


If you are a legal service provider, this event is for you!  If you are part of LGBTQ+ community-based movements and organizing, this event is also for you!


This gathering is organized around the principles that community-led movements are effective in creating positive change, and that legal systems can not only help solve problems for community members, but also can be mobilized in support of community-led movements when everyone has a place at the table.  We will provide opportunities for large and small-group discussion addressing how legal services are delivered in communities, the role legal providers play, and where service delivery is currently out of alignment with communities’ need – at the end of the day, understanding one another’s roles and experiences more clearly.


We are able to provide small honoraria to community-based and/or QTPOC-led organizations.


We hope you will join us!  Please direct questions and accommodation needs to Denise Diskin at


**This event is generously financially supported by a Powerful Communities grant from the Washington State Bar Association.**


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