11/28/2018 5:00 PM | WWL Admin (Administrator)

The Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission (SEEC) is looking for a candidate to serve in the Commission-appointed position on the SEEC.

The SEEC is a seven-member, volunteer body that interprets and administers Seattle’s Democracy Voucher Program, as well as the Whistleblower Protection, Ethics, Elections, Lobbying and Voters’ Pamphlet Codes. The SEEC advises the City Council and the Mayor on promoting ethics in government, and appoints and oversees the work of an executive director, who is charged with implementing SEEC decisions. Commissioners act as judges when a person is charged with violating one of the Commission-administered codes, and issue advisory opinions. Through staff, the SEEC publishes guides to the codes it enforces, and conducts educational programs on the Commission-administered codes.

The SEEC meets the first Wednesday of every month at 4:00 p.m., and occasionally Commissioners need to attend special meetings. Commission members usually spend between two and five hours per month on SEEC business, although the workload can vary.

Commissioners serve three-year terms and can be reappointed. The successful candidate will be selected by the six current commissioners, and must be confirmed by the City Council. The appointee’s terms will start early in 2019 and run until December 31, 2021. Women, persons with disabilities, sexual and gender minorities, young persons, senior citizens, persons of color, and immigrants are encouraged to apply.

Residency in the City of Seattle, while not required, is an asset. Commissioners cannot be active in Seattle election campaigns during their time on the Commission. To be considered for appointment to the SEEC, please send a letter of interest and resume by December 14, 2018 by e-mail to, or by mail to: Wayne Barnett, Executive Director Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission P.O. Box 94729 Seattle, Washington 98124-4729 For more information, please contact Wayne Barnett at (206) 684-8577, or by e-mail at

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