Sexual Harassment Issues in ADR

02/08/2018 12:00 PM | WWL Admin (Administrator)

The King County Bar Association Dispute Resolution Section is hosting a program on “Sexual Harassment Issues in ADR” on February 8, 2018 at Noon to 1:30 pm at the King County Bar Association office in Seattle. Marcella Fleming Reed is our program leader.

CLE Credit – 1.5 CLE Credit Pending

While Section members are not required to register or RSVP for the live meeting or webcast, we would appreciate having guests RSVP for the live meeting to assure sufficient seating for participants.



11:55 AM            Introduction of Program and Discussion Leader

12:00 PM            Section Discussion: “Sexual Harassment Issues in ADR” with Marcella Fleming Reed, JD, M.Ed., SPHR, SHRM-SCP

Marcella Fleming Reed will lead our attendees in reviewing and discussing the following professional challenges for mediators, arbitrators, and advocates when faced with sexual harassment cases:

·       How do we balance the value of confidentiality and privacy with the risk of perpetuating inappropriate behavior through non-disclosure provisions?

·       Should an ADR provider agree to serve in a mandatory arbitration process when the claimant communicates a wish to pursue another forum?

·       How does an ADR provider ensure that statutory issues are addressed in a responsible way?

·       What responsibility do ADR providers have in addressing overall cultural issues in the workplace or organization when a single and specific claim is presented to them?

1:30 PM                Conclusion of program



Marcella Fleming Reed:  Marcella Fleming Reed, JD, SPHR, SHRM-SCP founded MFR Law Group, PLLC in 2002.  Marcella provides human resource and employment law advice to employers, conducts management training, investigates EEO and ethics complaints, and mediates employment disputes.  She also serves as a consulting and testifying expert for both plaintiffs and defendants regarding human resource policies, procedures, and practices.  Prior to opening MFR Law Group, Marcella was Director of Employee Relations for the Boeing Company. Marcella graduated from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1988 and obtained an M.A. and B.A. in Educational Administration and Elementary Education from the University of Iowa in 1980 and 1979, respectively.  She is licensed to practice law in Washington and Virginia, and she is certified by the Human Resource Certification Institute and the Society for Human Resource Professionals as a Senior Professional in HR. Her firm is in Mill Creek, and she can be reached at

Webcast:  This section meeting will also be offered to KCBA Alternative Dispute Resolution Section members via an internet video stream.  To participate by streaming video and to download materials, please go to approximately 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the meeting.

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